O - Operate
L - Life
U - Under
W - Wholesome
A – Anointing 2
B - Bravely
U - Unveil
K - Kingly
U - Useful
N - Nerve
A - And
Y - Youthfully
O - Overthrow
M - Many
I – Imperfections


O - Outdo
L – Life’s
U - Unusual
W – Worries&
A - Always
B - Bolt
U – Unstoppably 2
K - Kindle
U - Upliftment
N - Notably
A - As
Y - You
O - Obtain
M - More
I - Insights

O - Overcome
L - Like
U - Universal
W - Winners
A - Adorned
B - By
U - Unmerited
K – Kindness dt’s
U - Unleashed
N - Nobly
A - As
Y - Yahweh
O - Outpours
M - Miracles
I - Indeed

O - Often
L - Love
U – Uniquely 2
W - Win
A - And
B - Begin
U - Unleashing
K - Keenly
U - Uploaded
N - New
A – Answers 2
Y - Your
O – Opaque&
M - Many
I – Inquiries

O - Only
L – Love’s
U - Unfathomed
W - Works
A - Attract
B - Blessed
U - Unstoppable
K - Keys
U - Used
N - Nobly
A - As
Y - Your
O - Overcoming
M – Mantle,
I - Indispensably

O - Overtake
L – Life’s
U - Upgraded
W - Wonders
A – As a
B - Blessed
U - Undefeated
K - Knight
U - Unreservedly
N – Notified 2
A - Ascend
Y – Yet,
O - Overcoming
M - More
I - Insistently

O - One
L – Life 2
U - Uniquely
W - Worship
A - Alpha
B - Beyond
U - Unequalled
K – Kings&
U - Unparalleled
N - Nobles
A - As
Y - You
O - Obediently
M - Manifest
I – In Spirit

O - Only
L - Love
U - Unveils
W – Wisdom 2
A - Apply
B - Breakthrough
U - Using
K – Knowledge&
U - Understanding
N – Notably 2
A - Ascend
Y - Yonder
O - Over
M - Mountains
I – Irreversibly

O -Obtaining
L – Love&
U - Using
W – Wisdom 2
A - Amerce
B - Biblical
U - Unlimited
K – Knowledge dt
U - Uplifts
N - Notably
A - Above
Y – Yesterday’s
O - Overwhelming
M – Mistakes&
I - Inhibitions


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