
Showing posts from September, 2016

Acronyms of PRECIOUS; amazing acronyms - names of people

P - Practically R – Reposed 2 E - Enjoy C - Complete I - Intake O - Of U - Unique S – Success   P - Properly R - Rooted E - Endearing C – Christian who’s I – Identified& O – Ordained 2 U - Unify S - Saints P - Powerfully R – Recruited& E - Entirely C – Configured 2 I - Inspire O – Outstanding& U - Unending S - Success P - Patience R - Releases E - Endearing C - Characters I - Into O - Our U - Unsatisfied S - Souls P - Peacefully R - Reaching E - Every C - Community I - In O – Outspread of U - Unstoppable S - Salvation P - Paid R - Ransom E - Entails C - Christ I - In O - Our U - Uplifted S - Spirit

Acronyms of OLUWATOYIN; amazing acronyms - names of people

O - Outstanding L – Lady of U - Unstoppable W – Wisdom who’s A - A T – Trail-blazer O - Of Y - Youthful I - Intellectual N - Nobility   O – Overcoming L – Lady of U - Unfarthormed W – Wonder dt’s A - Ascending T - To O - Outstanding Y - Years I - In N - Notability O - Observant L – Lady dt’s U – Uplifted 2 W - Win A - And T - Triumph O - Over Y - Yores I - In N - newness O - Only L - LOve U - Unbeaten W - Will A - Always T - Triumph O - Over Y – Yokes dt’s I - intactly N - Noxious

Acronyms of OKEZI; amazing acronyms - names of people

O - Obtain K – Knowledge4 E - Excellent Z - Zenith I – Insights   O - Obtaining K - Keen E - Expectations Z – Zoomed 4 I - Impact O - Omnipotent K – Keeps u E – Entirely 4rm Z - Zero I - Intelligence O – Own d K – Key 2 E – Excell wth Z – Zest 4 I – Intellect O - Obstacles K – Kneel2 E – Ensure ur Z - Zenith I - Innovations O – Okezi’s K – Kind of E - Exceptionally Z – Zeleous& I – Interesting O - Often K – Knock-out E - Every Z - Zoomed I – Imperfections O – Ordained 4 K – Kudos in E – Excellence& Z - Zenith I - Inventions

Acronyms of OIZA; amazing acronyms - names of people

O - Operating I - In Z – Zest, A – Always O - Obey I - Instructions Z - Zealously A – And prayerfully O - Outpour I - Interesting Z - Zenith A - Abilities O - Openly I - Intercept Z - Zenified A - Ardornment O - Overflowing I – Insights 4rm Z - Zipped A - Archives

Acronyms of MIMIOLA; amazing acronyms - names of people

M - Mightily I - Into M – Marching I - Insistent O - Obstacles L - Lurking A – Around   M – Move I - Intruding M – Mountains& I - Interestingly O – Overcome thru L - Loving A - Attitudes M - Merrily I - Interest M - Mum I - In O – Obeying her L - Laws A - Always M - Miraculously I - Imbibe M - More I - Insights O - On L - Loving A - Always M - Move I - Into M - Marvelous I - Inflow O - Of L - Lifted A - Achievements M - Mainly I - Induce M - Meaningful I - Improvement O - Onto L - Lively A - Adornment M - Manifest I - Interesting M - Motivational I - Importance O - On L - Living A - Aright M - Merrily I - Induce M - Mighty I - Intentions O - On L - Loving A - All M - Meticulously I - Input M - More I - Into O - Obtaining L - Lovely A - Altitudes

Acronyms of KOME; amazing acronyms - names of people

K - Keenly O – Outspoken 2b M - Magnificiently E – Exciting K - Knowledge O - Openly M – Magnifies your E - Excellence K – Kindhearted& O - Obviously M - Motherly E - Endearing K - Knock O - Open M - My E - Excitements

Acronyms of JUDITH; amazing acronyms - names of people

J - Joy U - Unlimited D - Divinely I - Intersects T - Timely H – Honour   J - Jehovah U - Unveils D - Destinies I - In T - Tentative H – Hours J - Just U - Use D - Divine I - Instructions T - To H – Higher-ground J - Joyfully U - Unleash D - Divine I - Intellect T - To H – Humility J – Jehovah’s U - Unbeatable D - Daughter I -Is T - Too H – Honourable J - Jesus U - Uplifts D - Divinely I - Irreversibly T - To H – Heaven J - Jump U - Upon D - Desired I - Interests T - Trying H – Harder J - Jest U – Unstoppably, D – Dance I – Interestingly& T - Trample H – Hardship J - Jolt U - Upward D – Directly 2 I – Improve& T - Trudge H – Higher J – Jesus’ U - Union D - Deepens I - If T - Thankfully H – Honoured

Acronyms of JOSEPHINE; amazing acronyms - names of people

J - Just O - Obtain S – Success 2 E - Excellently P - Prosper H - Happily I - In N - Notable E – Elegance   J - Jersey O - Of S – Success& E – Excellence is P – Placed 4rm H - Heaven I – Into your N - New E - Experience J – Josephine is O – Ordained 2 S - Succeed E – Endlessly& P - Prosper H - Honourably I - In N - Notable E – Excellence J – Jehovah’s O - Ordained S – Success will E – Envelope ur P – Property, H – House, I – Inheritance& N - Notable E – Experience J – Jehovah’s O - Operational S – Spiritual& E - Exceptional P – Prophetess dt’s H - Highly I – Interested in N - Notable E – Excellence

Acronyms of ESTHER; amazing acronyms - names of people

E - Endearing S - Sister T – That’s H - Highly E – Enthralling& R – Real   E - Entirely S – Spiritual, T - Truthfully H – Humble& E - Exceptionally R - Righteous E - Elegant S - Sweet T - Tempting H - Hot E - Exotic R - Realist E - Excellently S - Soar T - To H – Heights of E - Established R – Riches E - Exam S – Success is T – Totally a H – Honoured& E - Established R - Reality E – Enjoy this S - Semester T - That H - Holds E – Excellence, R - Readily

Acronyms of ESEOSA; amazing acronyms - names of people

E - Enjoy S – Success& E - Excell O – Openly2 S - Shine A – Always   E – Extra-ordinary S - Scholar E - Easily O - Obtaining S - Success A - Ace E - Exceptional S – Semester wth E – Effective& O - Outstanding S – Success in A - Academics E - Elegant S – Sister dt E - Endlessly O - Obtains S - Straight A – A’s

Acronyms of DERINSOLA; amazing acronyms - names of people

D - Dance E – Everyday, R - Rejoice I – Intensely, N - Nobly S – Sing& O - Overcome L - Life A – Assuredly   D – Divinely& E - Exceptionally R - Reposed I - In N - Nabbing S – Success 2 O - Obtain L - Life A - Achievements D - Divine E – Example of R - Righteous I – Incredible& N - Noble S – Sister dt’s O – Ordained 4 L - Life A – Adornments D - Deeply E - Endearing R – Realist dt’s I - Interestingly N – Notable as a S - Sweet O – Outstanding& L - Lovely A - Angel

Acronyms of CHIMA; amazing acronyms - names of people

C - Climbing H - Higher I - Into M - Miraculous A – Accentuation   C – Chima’s H – Handsome& I - Is M - My A - Adored C – Chima’s H - Home I - Is M - Mainly A - Attractive C - Chaste H – Honourable dt’s I - Irreversibly M – Marching A – Ahead C - Creative H – Human hu I - Interests M - Me A - Always C – Competent in H - Handling I - Important M - Matters A – Amazingly

Acronyms of BLESSING; amazing acronyms - names of people

B    - Bright L - Life E - Entails S - Seeing S - Success I    - In N - Newer G – Grounds   B    - Blossom L - Like E - Expanded S - Sizable S - Success I    - In N - Notable G - Grace B    - By L - Labouring E –Endlessly, S - Success S - Soundly I    - Iterates N - Notable G - Glory B    - Blessed L - Life E - Entails S - Sincere S - Selflessness I    - In N - Nurtured G - Growth B    - Best L - Living E – Example dt’s S - Successfully S - Styled I    - In N - Nabbing G – Greatness B   - Brassy, L – Lively, E – Eminent, S – Sincere, S – Successful, I    - Indispensable& N -Nobly G - Gifted B    - Blossomed L - Life E - Entails S - Sacrificial S - Safety I    - In N - Never G – Giving-up B    - Blessed L - Loving E – Evangelist dt’s S - Specially S - Social I    - In N - Notable G - Grace B    - Bright L - Loving E - Exceptional S - Sister S - Specially I    - Inspiring N – Nobles to G – Greatness B    - Based in L – Love dt E - Enrich S - Saved S - Souls I    - In N - Never G –